H. J. Grabe*
C. Davatzikos*
White matter lesions: Spatial heterogeneity, links to risk factors, cognition, genetics, and atrophy.
A. N Kaczkurkin*
C. Huchuan Xia,
A. Sotiras,
M. Pehlivanova,
T. M Moore,
A. Garcia de La Garza,
D. R. Roalf,
A. F. G. Rosen,
S. A Lorch,
K. Ruparel,
R. T. Shinohara,
C. Davatzikos,
R. C Gur,
R. E Gur,
T. D. Satterthwaite
Gestational Age is Dimensionally Associated with Structural Brain Network Abnormalities Across Development.
Cerebral Cortex.
D. P. Varikuti*
A. Sotiras,
H. Schwender,
F. Hoffstaedter,
K. R. Patil,
C. Jockwitz,
S. Caspers,
K. Amunts,
S. Moebus,
C. Davatzikos,
S. B. Eickhoff
Localized compression of grey matter maps for age prediction in healthy & clinical populations.
Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting.
C. Davatzikos*
Patterns of coordinated cortical remodeling during adolescence and their associations with functional specialization and evolutionary expansion.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Y. Ou*
N. Paragios,
C. Davatzikos
Graph-based Deformable Image Registration.
Handbook of Biomedical Imaging.
A. Sotiras*
N. Komodakis,
N. Paragios
Deformable medical image registration: setting the state of the art with discrete methods.
Annual review of biomedical engineering.
R. Neji*
J. Deux,
N. Komodakis,
G. Fleury,
N. Paragios
A Kernel-based graphical model for diffusion tensor registration.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.